Friday, April 13, 2007

Happy Birthday, MOM!

In honor of my Mom's birthday, I'm sharing the super cute purse she made me for Christmas. It's knitted and felted with a fun bead handle.


Tracy said...

Hey, Rachel!
Glad to see you have turned to the dark side - blogging! The purse is super cute, the glasses are cool and I look forward to seeing more posts so I don't have to keep asking if you're still alive.

Rachel said...

Yay! Tracy's here! Yeah, I feel kind of dorky about blogging, but it's actually pretty fun. What's new with you? When do you finish school?

Kimberly Cangelosi said...

Hi Tracy!

Tracy said...

Hi Kim! Good to "see" you!

Rache, I finish school this summer, if all goes well. We actually do commencement in the spring, but we'll have three more classes to finish to be officially done. Can't wait.