Friday, January 25, 2008

new & improved

I started tweaking Nate's logo last night and I got sucked in until 4 am. I had never really refined the original one and it was bothering me for several reasons. The new version has smoother lines, but most importantly, it works at a much smaller size. I often find myself using just the type, but I think the whole thing will be more versatile now.


Anonymous said...

very nice logo - I could use some help with our stuff if you need something to stay up late for tonight. SB

Anonymous said...

4 am?? that's crzy. nice result, though! i like the name henry. and thanks for those cool paperfolding projects. jy

miss.supafly said...
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miss.supafly said...

ooh, it's lovely! i'd go there just based on the logo (i do that with a lot of things...). :)

Rachel said...

Thanks! i can't help but chose things based on the design too!

Anastasia said...

I like how the new one doesn't look like there's a scary thing coming down toward you in the chair!