Wednesday, May 2, 2007

It's Official!

I love Blueprint Magazine. I love a lot of magazines, but this is my new favorite. They've only had 4 issues so far. I was getting pretty anxious during the long haul between the first couple issues, but now they seem to be on a regular 2-month schedule. It's published by Martha Stewart, but definitely geared towards a younger readership. It's very well designed and I am in love with the font. Beyond that, it's smart-sounding and you can tell it's well-researched. They actually feature things you haven't seen in 10 other places. They also have a blog that's worth a read!


Melissa said...

I'm always tempted by that magazine. But every time I pick up a new one , I'm disappointed because all the items in there are thousands of dollars. Not sure about most people, but I can't afford to pay $1500 for a pair of flip flops. Is Blueprint the same way? I just got Domino and it was so out of my league.

Rachel said...

I agree that Domino is very annoying that way. I don't think Blueprint is too bad and I know they show affordable things from IKEA.

Tracy said...

I picked up a Blueprint (the yellow one) since I hadn't seen it before and it looked pretty fun. I thought it was pretty cool, though I'm still a sucker for Real Simple.